William O'Brien State Park

“People seem to think colonization is over, that genocide is over . . .”

… No, it’s still happening. We’re still being colonized, but in different, insidious, hidden ways. … Let us define our own laws and our own existence on our land on our own terms because we’re capable of that. The freedom to be Lakota and not be persecuted or treated less for that. The freedom to hold our ceremonies. The freedom to be happy, healthy, and respected. To me, that’s sovereignty in my community.”

~Frank Waln, from Matika Wilbur’s book Project 562: Changing the Way We See Native America

This place is on the traditional territory of the Wahpekute and Očhéthi Šakówiŋ nations. (Crowdsourced info compiled by Native-Land.ca. Please visit the nations’ websites to learn more.) We support indigenous land rights and the Land Back movement.


A regional man of mystery enjoying parks, trails, and other stuff around the great state of Minnesota!