Seven Mile Creek County Park

“Your Montana Indians, we always say like, ‘We’re the real indians!’ . . .”

… We are your large, land-based Tribes with intact cultures, with languages that are still being spoken. I grew up, was born and raised on a Reservation. So my reality is grounded as a Cheyenne woman and who I am as a mother of four, and wife of a wonderful man who has a large extended family. How do I think I can make a difference for my children and grandchildren? It has to go back to my Tribe; how am I going to improve the situation for my Tribe and homeland?”

~Gail Small, in Project 562 by Matika Wilbur

This place is on the traditional territory of the Očhéthi Šakówiŋ, Wahpekute, and Wahpeton nations. (Crowdsourced info compiled by Please visit the nations’ websites to learn more.) We support indigenous land rights and the Land Back movement.


A regional man of mystery enjoying parks, trails, and other stuff around the great state of Minnesota!